I finally decided to purchase some kind of paraphanalia that indicates that I spent 13% of my life at the educational institution commonly know as the U of A. The trick was to find something that was nice, but not extravagant, cute, but not nauseating, proud, but not unabashed. I came to a compromise when I found Caitlin's shirt, and discovered that there is a matching one for me. They are just sold out for the moment, and the new shipment should arrive in three weeks with some more. I thought it was appropo since I went to the University of Alberta, and I'm going to be a dad, and Caitlin a mom. However, some people read the shirt "University of Mom, Alberta." I suppose that works too.
It requires higher learning, and you don't understand the lessons until you take the tests, which you pass or fail depending on how much patience and luck you have that day. Or so I've heard. More often then not you have to work in groups to make any progress whatsoever, and you have to invest large amounts of money.

Hence we have our kitty fund! I thought it was a very cute representation of our family as it will be in a couple months. Tomcat, KittyKat, and our kitten! Mew mew mew!