Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The not-so-Incredibles

All three of us were wearing our Incredibles shirts tonight, and at
first I thought it was quite appropo. We went and visited some
friends that we had not seen in a couple of months, and we had the
brilliant idea of getting them an entertainment unit. This unit was
being thrown out by another one of our friends, and we figured all
would work well.

Things were moving along swimmingly. The receivers had a van that we
could go and pick up the unit, and the givers had placed it outside on
their balcony, which was on the ground floor. Everything was coming

Then we picked up the first piece, and I remembered why I was a little
hesitant about getting the unit. There were a few bugs, dead ones, on
the bottom of one of the pieces. I'm some were squashed, others
looked a little froze, but I couldn't tell if there were any eggs on
the unit. We wound up placing the lot by the nearby dumpster, and
resigned ourselves to the fact that we'll have to wait for garage sale
season. Or hunt on Kijiji.

Although I was feeling like a super hero at first, it didn't quite
finish off that way. Although I was careful to keep my left foot
under the seat. I learned the hard way that there is no clutch on an
automatic transmission vehicle. Stepping on the brake like you're
putting in the clutch tends to make the car go from 60 to zero real

Rini loves to play with other kids. After the not-so-successful trip,
we had a bit of a sit down and watched Rini and Tanner goof around.
Eventually they were just laughing back and forth, running around,
spinning around, and exibiting all the classic signs of sleep

Sure enough, when we got her home, she just wanted to brush her teeth,
get into a sleeper, and go to bed. She is sleeping soundly now.

I need to be getting to bed too. Four shows in three days and the
first one in at 1pm tomorrow. Going to be a long day tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

All a twitter

To those who read this on the blog, you will notice that I have added
a new widget on the left. This is the outlet for my twitter feed.
I've noticed that I've been spending more time on Facebook as of late,
and Twitter is able to update to both the blog and to facebook. I've
been updating the twitter feed much more often.

Then again, there's been some trouble with the wifi on iPaq, and I was
a bit against the idea of doing blog posts. Turns out all it needed
was a reboot, and it fired up like new.

Plus, over the past couple months, I have devoted quite a bit of time
to reading. I just recently finished, "Day of the Triffids." Super
creepy book. Highly recommended. It did take me quite a while to
read, and there was some parts that were quite long and not all that
interesting. The scary thing is that what survival is like! There is
a whole lot of time when the only thing you are concerned about is
staying alive. And what would happen if you were the last person left
on earth? It would get insanely quiet and lonely. I was especially
pleased with the ending, which I didn't entirely see coming.

After reading this, I wonder if I would be able to finish reading Lord
of the Rings. The biggest problem I had reading The Two Towers was
when I got to the second half which is JUST Frodo, Sam, and Golem. I
was bored to tears. I set it down, and that was about five years ago.

Rini is getting extrodinarily big. She's nearly 25 months old, and
she's nearly 92cm (3') tall! The other thing that shocks me every day
is how much more she is talking. We are much more vigilant about what
we watch on TV because she is picking up on everything.

Her favourite DVD was once her Ni hao Kai-Lan collection, but she's
started to branch out into the Pixar movies. She loved WallE to the
point that the DVD was scratched up really good, and I had to get it
resurfaced. She has figured out how to open up DVD cases, pop out
DVDs, and she also carries the discs properly with one finger through
the hole. But she still holds it like a plate every now and again.

The funny thing is that I don't feel like it's been a long time since
I've written anything, because I've been writing a letter to Tristan
every week for the past... Eight months. That has a good summary of
the week, yet I never post it on the blog, because for some odd reason
I think that there are somethings too personal to post on the blog.

Might also be the fact that I keep writing him all the Redneck jokes.
Don't know if Jeff Foxworthy would sue me for doing that.