Monday, January 01, 2007

First Christmas with baby, sort of

I'd like to say that this is baby's first Christmas, but seeing that baby isn't born yet, and we don't know if baby is a boy of a girl, I don't think it counts. Nevertheless, we (i.e. Caitlin) have had kicks and punches at odd times. A number of the gifts we got for Christmas were for baby, but mostly for us to prepare ourselves for baby. A new set of pots, a good container for a 72-hour emergency kit, and family friendly DVDs were some of the gifts we got from the Tolleys. From my family, my parents gave us a big bag full of baby stuff, and we (i.e. Caitlin and myself) haven't gone through the bag completely. There's some good stuff though, such as "The Baby Whisperer", "Fatherhood" by Bill Cosby, and Barbara Colorasso. Excellent stuff! There were also a few videos, which makes me grateful that we still have that VCR, and that I hung onto that remote when my old VCR died. Who'd of thought that we'd come across another GE VCR?

Even though it was nice when I was able to dig out that remote, I've discovered that you don't need to hang onto everything that comes your way. Namely flyers, receipts, and papers that are so faded you don't even remember when or why you got it in the first place! Goodness, I threw out so much trash today!

My parents came a little earlier than I expected, and so I didn't manage to clean the apartment to the level I wanted. Felt kind of bad, but Caitlin felt worse since she was laid out with a wave of weariness. This pregnancy has really taken the mickey out of her! It's all good, because even though I was cleaning house, she was feeding baby, and helping baby grow. I would guess that Caitlin helped baby grow at least 2000 new cells today.

As much work as there was, I am done school now, and dad told me a while back that when I was done my degree he'd give me his PlayStation2. He was waiting until I was done because he correctly assumed that I didn't need any more distractions. The question I have now is what I have to do in order to get the controllers. I'm thinking that he forgot to pack them, but I did find it a little odd that the console was there, along with the connecting cable and the power cord, and a few games, but the controllers and the memory card was missing. It's not really a big thing, because I was planning to get Dance Dance Revolution and a dance pad controller to go with it. Still, I was looking forward to playing "Enter the Matrix". Eh. I've waited this long.

I would have to say that today, I did my first act of baby proofing our home. It's not much, but for the first time, I made a concious decision to hide something that a toddler could easily grab and use to cause physical injury. It doesn't look like much, but when I was cleaning up the stuff in the main room, I came across the HMV dongle that tends to get lost from time to time. I decided to hang it on one of the dials on the stereo receiver so that we wouldn't lose it, and so it would be ready for easy access for anyone, even a child. It's a big plastic gizmo, never hurts anyone, and it would be very difficult for baby to swallow. But then I remembered...
It's perfectly safe so long as you don't cut yourself on the razor blade inside! I haven't cut myself with it, and I would think that it would be quite the feat if you did, and I've heard that children are quite adept at acheiving the improbably when it comes to hurting yourself. So I moved it to the junk drawer, where I'm sure our child won't dig it out and cut a gash in their finger, or the carpet, or a towel until they're much older.

Call me overprotective. Call me paranoid. But I think the proper term is a parent.

Heh. How witty. Guess I'm not that tired after all. Actually, yes I am. Night.

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