Friday, March 30, 2007

Happy days

As for the move, I think we're going to hold off until May, if we're going to move at all. Erini has been gaining a lot of weight, and last time doctor weighed her, she is now up to 7lbs 3oz, a full pound higher than her original birth weight! She's getting a lot more active, and at four weeks five days, she's trying very hard to hold her head up.

I like to say that she's like her mother in that respect. She likes to hold her head up high, as any princess would. The baby shower presents have been a great help to our patience and effectiveness as parents, I like to think. The Snuggli carrier has been invaluable, especially during the Mikado run at the Winspear, and in Leduc. Caitlin was able to wear our little girl, and help out with everyone else. It was also easy to carry her home, since we live walking distance from the Winspear theatre. The little bed/rocking chair has been great for rocking her to sleep. I still need to get batteries for the "soothing vibrations" motor.

We might not be moving for a while yet, because there is the possiblity that I could get on with Colt Engineering. Their main office is on the south side, but it's still doable as a bicyle commute. Might take 45 minutes or so, but I think that it would be worth the ride. This is of course assuming that I get hired. I put in an application with Halliburton too, but they are located in Nisku. If I get on there, then I would think that living in Beaumont would be easier for travel. April will tell all, and hence moving in April would be a little premature.

Goes to show, it takes two women to raise a man: his mother and his wife.

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