Sunday, July 15, 2007

Baby's first summer

Last night, we had one of the hottest nights this year, and this was Rini's first exposure to a Canadian summer. Normally this only last for a couple of days, so I don't think we need to worry about it too much. Still, at 1 am last night, it was 33C in our apartment! I know this because of the keychain temp gauge I got at MEC. Handy little gadget.

The way that Caitlin finally figured out how to get Rini to sleep was to:
1. Strip her down to her diaper.
2. Dip her head and feet in a bathtub of cold water (The tub of water helped cool down the apartment a bit too).
3. Get a fan blowing directly at her crib on the highest speed.
4. Put a tray of ice cubes in front of said fan.
5. Dip a soother in the melted tray of ice cubes, and place in her mouth.
6. Stand beside the crib until she nooded off.

I was beyond tired, or else I would have helped.
The things you think of when you're a parent!

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