Saturday, September 23, 2006


Why on earth would I mention the King of Assyria on this blog? Perhaps it's because that's the name that my father-in-law has picked out for our unborn child. A previous name for another one of his grandchildren is Ataxerxes. Yeah. I don't get it either. All the same, it will be easy to identify your child in a huge crowd. Unless we went to the Middle East. Maybe I'm just uneducated.

We have rumour that we are having a girl, because Caitlin has found herself craving milk, a tell-tale sign for carrying a girl. In that case, Erini Tiana comes to the front. Just today we were pondering the spelling, and thought that we could go with Erene, or Arene, or Arini. I think we'll be fine, so long as we don't give our child a l33t name, like 3r3n3, or 4r1n1, or 3]^1]\[1. That would be something to have on a birth certificate. I wonder if there is a law against that...

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