Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Funny that's how I felt coming out of my interview a few minutes ago, and it was also the name of the programming language that I was working with, PLUS it was apt that I used that language since I could get my script to work! Though the bird's name is spelt with a "u" not a "w". I did my best, and if that's not the best, well... Suffice it to say, the reason they do the testing with that language is so they can see how well the candidate responds to a new environment, since they have yet to have a candidate familiar with the language!

It was a challenge, but I felt I was close to getting something together, if only I had a bit more time to figure out the workings of the language. An hour isn't very long, and it gets shorter if you panic. I was doing my best not to go crazy, especially once I crashed the command prompt, then couldn't remember how to change directories in the prompt to get to the folder that had the runtime command for awk scripts! Yeah. That was fun.

I need to get going if I want to get a new seat post bolt for my bike. Some... twat stole the bolt for my seat post, and unless I get a new one, I can't ride my bike very comfortably or very far. I've had this happen before, and I've even had the entire seat stolen. Riding without a seat bolt is odd, without a seat is a trial! Funny how something so small is so important to the operation of something greater.

Kinda like Rini! :) Only no one stole her, and we didn't forget her in the apartment when I locked the key inside yesterday. Hmmm... still need to drop off those mail keys at the old apartment, and we finally found them today.

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