Monday, March 07, 2011

Cure Almost Worse Than Disease

This is not to say that I have a debilitating illness, but rather my appointment today gave me a bit more freedom than my body is accustomed to. After wearing the back brace almost exclusively for the past two weeks, I tried getting around without it for the evening. I am now filled will all sorts of pain, largely located in the lower back, but I'm working my way through it.

We have the treadmill working, and Erini tried to do a bit of physio with me, but she almost fell on her face on the treadmill. Good thing the emergency switch works! She saw the support bar and figured that you had to hold onto it for it to work properly. I have a bit of work ahead of me to explain to her that treadmills are not like shopping carts.

While we did take in a movie tonight, my rehabilitation has drained my will to type much more than I have already. I have enough energy left for a shower, and that's about it.

At least I was able to get something out, and at least I was able to do it without the brace. I'm making progress! Painful progress, but it's going forward!

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