Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Prayful girl

One thing that I'm proud that Rini has figured out is prayer. I'm not
quite sure if she's figured out that we address Heavenly Father
because we're speaking to God, but she does cross her arms, and most
of the time she will stay still for the entirety of a prayer. She
does have some trouble when we're in sacrament meeting, and the
opening or closing prayer goes on for longer than five minutes. Two
or three minutes, she's fine. When we have our evening family prayer
or mealtime prayer, she's fine!

We would get her to start saying prayers, but we are still having a
trial of a time to get her to ask for drink, toys or 'up.' Whenever
we try to prompt her, ie. Say 'Daddy', say 'juice', say 'please', she
usually follows those prompts. When she's impatient, she'll jump
right to the end and say 'peaz'.

The closest we have tried for family scripture study is reading her
Book of Mormon board books. She also has a Bible board book, and we
read from that sometimes. We need to move on to the bigger things.

One other thing. Rini hasn't said "Thank you" very much, but she can
say it in Chineese quite well! Maybe we should do that for a bit.

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