Thursday, July 13, 2006

I cherish these days, for they are too few

In spite of possible circumstances, I'm actually feeling quite well. I'm as queasy as Steven is about the possibility of another ectopic pregnancy, but not entirely nervous. I will be VERY upset if it is another ectopic, because I was hoping we could start our family by now. Steven will be done his degree before I'm slated to go into labour, so I have no worries about that.

What I AM nervous about is making sure I get a balanced diet, all the things baby needs to grow up into a beautiful son or daughter of God. Well, baby will always be a beautiful son or daughter of God, but proper eating right now will ensure that baby will grow up properly.

Every now and again I get these stretch pains in my belly, and occasionally they're rather painful, but nothing that's really alarmed me, seeing as we'll be getting details next Friday.

Here's hoping.

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