Thursday, July 27, 2006

Learning with literature

I seem to recall an article in the newspaper awhile back by Todd Babiak which he told of his desire to hide under a desk and weep everytime he hears an educated well employed person state that they do not watch the news, nor read a local newspaper. People just don't read enough these days I suppose. If you can read, you should!

Last night I picked up and read some of a book that I picked up at the library entitled, It's Your Pregnancy Too! I found a lot of the typical things that we've heard about morning sickness, and there was some mention about the medication that is available. When we went to our prenatal visit today with Dr. Litchfield, we discussed the meds, and he wrote a perscription for Caitlin. The meds, of which the name I'll write when we pick some up, are really good for alieviating nausea, but they do come at a price. Each pill costs about $1.50 and she would have to take three a day, maybe two. Woof.

I also picked up a copy of the Spring 2006 Today's Parent: Pregnancy and Birth magazine from Dr. Litchfield's office. They get dozens of them when they publish every quarter, so he was more than happy to let me take it home.

Determining the sex of the baby is an interesting process. I asked Dr. Litchfield before we left if there was any truth to the story that if you avoid tomatoes you'll have a boy. His response was that there was a study done in Montreal where they determined that if a mother has a high intake of potassium before conceiving, then she'll have a boy. If she bones up on dairy, she has a girl. The outcomes were 87% accurate, so you get a better result than flipping a coin!


Budgie said...

too bad it's the male sperm that actually determines the sex of the child

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