Monday, July 17, 2006

What exactly constitutes a good title?

My belly is really sore this morning. I've been getting stretch pains for the last couple of days, but they're nowhere near as bad as I figure they'll be when I actually start to show a bump. That'll be a whole new set of interesting sensations.

Now if only I could get my stomach to lighten up. Ever see "Little Shop Of Horrors"? My stomach is kinda like Audrey Two, the plant, saying "Feed me!" And then right on the tail of that comment, it pipes up with "But don't you dare give me food!" Yeah. I'm in the semi-nauseated state right now. Fun fun.

I've been getting a lot of advice about how to counteract nausea, but to tell you the truth, I'd really rather not have anything to do with food until lunchtime. By then, my stomach's complaints are so mild as to be nonexistant. Until I actually feed it. Then it's like: WOAH! Hold up! What's all this nourishment doing here?

And I cannot stress how MUCH I want to eat well and ensure my baby gets all the nutrients it needs.

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