Friday, January 07, 2011

How do you stay focused?

Seems ironic that I stalled my car twice driving into work while today's post a day topic questions what you do to stay focused. On a side note, next time I use my FM transmitter, I'm going to have it set up before the car starts moving. Doing anything at a red light except watching for the light to change just doesn't work the way it should.

I like it when my wife rides with me, because she's able to take care of other things like answering the phone, work the radio, run the windshield wipers, basically anything that would distract me from driving. Another side note, my wife really does run the wipers while I'm driving. It's a bit of a carry over habit from our old car in which the wipers would stop wherever they were when you turned them off. If they were in the middle of the windshield, that's where'd they stop. She could gauge when to turn off the wipers much better than me. Mostly because her attention wasn't divided with driving the car.

When I was writing NaNoWriMo, I would have to put in earplugs in order to concentrate, but I would also have to wait until my daughter was asleep. Right now, I'm trying to write this while on my lunch break, and normally I'm the only one in the lunch room. Set apart from everyone else, nice and quiet, it's pretty easy to concentrate. Today, I just have to ignore the conversations that are going on around me, and try to focus more on what my fingers are relaying to the screen.

It's not that I'm being rude, I'm just trying to focus on my goal of getting a post written everyday. True, the coworker that is distracting me the most is talking about TV shows that I'm sort of interested in, and haven't had time to watch. Now that I've heard the summary I probably won't watch it now. Wonder if I was ever going to take time out to watch Supernatural. The series is still going? I thought it was done with Season 5 when they got the rings from the four horsemen. Oh dear, I just asked my Newfie coworker to explain something. This could take awhile. Ah, he's talking with another coworker now, perhaps he won't notice me getting back to my writing.

Crap. Another coworker just walked in. I'm going to have to finish this later.

Today's lunch break just wasn't as quiet and serene as usual.

What's this? The forecast is to be cold, stormy, and miserable? For the next three days? This could work to my advantage! Just need to get some playtime with my daughter to wear her out, and then I'll be able to sit down and write. For select periods of time.

I'll take what I can get.

1 comment:

Allan Stec said...

I commend you for trying your best to stay focused when you're driving, Steven! A lot of people attempt to multitask when they're behind the wheel, and sometimes that results in mishaps. But what do you do when your wife isn't with you while you're driving? How do you do things while keeping your attention to the road? Do you slow down or move to the outer lane or something?